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sciencentric AG
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40474 Düsseldorf
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Connector for Shared Mailboxes (MS365)

When existing solutions don’t work, we develop new ones.

Our Mission

 Implementation of a connector for accessing mails in Microsoft Shared Mailboxes

Incoming emails need to be automatically retrieved to process the contained data and trigger business actions. Incoming mail must be retrieved automatically in order to process the data it contains and trigger business actions. The challenge is that access to Microsoft Exchange mailboxes via standard mail protocols is often disabled for security reasons. User mail clients like MS Outlook connect to Exchange using the new MS Graph API. When POP3/IMAP is disabled, it creates a problem for existing software solutions that only support these legacy protocols. Incoming emails in functional mail accounts are no longer accessible in the integration software that has not yet implemented the MS Graph API. Therefore, our client requires a simple way to retrieve emails from functional mail accounts.


A connector that meets all requirements

  • Integration of Shared Mailbox accounts using the MS Graph API
  • Authentication using Microsoft 365 tenant ID and application ID to retrieve messages and forward them to the output channel for further processing
  • Automatic retrieval of message attachments and embedding them in forwarded message
  • Support connection of calls via enterprise web proxy

Technical details

The Shared Mailbox connector is implemented as a Java SpringBoot application. The software runs on any system that supports Java 8 or higher. We support operation on linux systems. The connector is controlled via a SystemD Unit, and a suitable unit file is provided.

Supported output channels

  • TIBCO EMS Messaging Server Queue or Topic
  • HTTP receiver
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