As one of three development specialists sciencentric® wins call for bids ending in a frame contract for the conception, development, support and maintenance of new Intranet appearances of NRW provincial government.
To come up with the new E-Government law, an own developed content management system (CMS) is available since last year as a powerful base for Internet and Intranet appearances of NRW-ministries. The goal is to let the provincial governments appear in the digital world, with a unique design etc. and user-friendly interfaces with the intention to prepare and to provide information as well as electronical processes to the public.
Since 2017 sciencentric® realizes ambitious enterprise portal projects within the public area. Correspondingly the sciencentric® team is very proud again to be one of three service providers, getting the confidence to build the new Intranet platform of d-NRW AöR of the provincial government. The focus lies on the conception and development of new portal applications based on Drupal 8 of the state government CMS nrwGOV. Likewise, the migration of editorial content handling as well as the service of Intranet components are the usual work.
We are pleased to keep you tuned.
We are open for further questions, suggestions and possible cooperation. Please contact us under